AD User Editor WebPart 2.1.1
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AD User Editor WebPart is now available in v2.1.1
Here are the changes since the initial release for SharePoint 2010:
- 2.1.1:
- displayName instead of distinguishedName (CN=xxx,DC=xxx) in read only fields like "manager"
- read only field can now display multiple values
- no more exception trying to display errors (sic)
- message displayed when webpart hasn't yet been configured
- having multiple multi-textbox fields is now possible
- 2.1.0:
- image field type (image upload resizing & cropping to 128x128px, jpg only)
- new field types for multivalued attributes: checkboxlist, multi-textbox
- 2.0.1:
- compatibility with SP2010 "claims based authentication" (strips 'i:0#.w|' from the username)
- meaningful error message if required domain missing from xml config (instead of keyNotFoundException)
- auto uppercase domain NetBios name (-> less config errors)
- better "person field" handling ('DOMAIN\username' instead of just 'username' when filling the field)
- edit form now with the current theme style
Feel free to report any bug or feature request here or in the comments.