Adding a Breadcrumb to Document Library Web Parts in Sharepoint 2010

    Written by Alexis Nominé on . Posted in SharePoint

    A little snippet to add the missing breadcrumb to Document Library Web Parts in Sharepoint 2010. Useful when browsing sub-folders!

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    Comments (23)

    • Pawel


      Thank you 🙂 It`s working perfectly. I just made some modification on line 42. I add a new span element on the page and use append() the breadcrumb on it. But your solution is perfect 🙂 THANK you


      • Bhavesh



        In subfolders link is not working properly.


        • Philani



          Were you able to fix the subfolder links issue?


          • alex


            This is not working correctly.

            All the breadcrumbs are linking to same (last) folder in the navigation instead of to each subfolder individually. The code seems to be correct, so I’m not sure why this is happening.

            Alexis please help!


    • Brett


      This did not work for me, I couldn’t see any changes to the document library.
      It would be good if you show what the end result suppose to look like in the document library.


    • Darren


      Thanks for sharing, very useful for me where the designer had decided to hide the standard breadcrumb.

      I found I needed to change the encodeURIComponent() calls to use SP.Utilities.HttpUtility.urlKeyValueEncode() on line 35 otherwise folder names with spaces, “.” or “()” did not work.


    • tinoargentino


      Hi! Where do I have to paste this script in order for it to work? Thanks in advance!!!


      • Alexis Nominé


        You could insert a “Content Editor” or “Form” web part in your page and paste the script between <script> </script> tags (and the css between <style> </style> tags)


        • valentin


          Thanks! One more question, which part of the script do I have to change so it references the list in the wikipage I want it to?


          • Alexis Nominé


            It’s supposed to detect automatically the right DocLib web part automatically. Isn’t it working for you?


    • Uli


      Does this also work with SharePoint 2013?


      • Alexis Nominé


        It’s not been tested on sharepoint 2013 but it will probably not work as it relies on specific markup.
        However, it could certainly be adapted with a few changes.


    • jkennedy


      Thanks for the post.
      1. I took your script and css and created a breadcrumb.txt..



      2. then stored it in Site Assets of the root level site.

      3. Then in my SP site at the root level, created a page with a Content Editor web part, in the Content Link I’m finding I have to use the FULL path to recognize the file.. /sites/tsodev/siteassets/breadcrumbs.txt (when using /siteassets/breadcrumbs.txt the file isn’t recognized)

      4. Loading the page and navigating the directories, no bread crumb displays.

      5. I’ve tried this with Subsites also and find I need to store the breadcrumbs.txt file in the subsite Site Assets library and use a link url of.. /sites/tsodev/subsitename/siteassets/breadcrumbs.txt

      6. and the subsite page does not display the bread crumb.

      Any ideas what I’m doing wrong?


      • jkennedy


        In step 1, the css is enclosed in style tags and js is enclosed in style tags


        • Alexis Nominé


          Try to paste the content directly in your content editor web part. It will not work if loaded from a txt file.

          <script> [INSERT SCRIPT CONTENT] </script>
          <style> [INSERT STYLE CONTENT] </style>


          • jkennedy


            so on my page I added a Media and Content -> Content Editor web part to my page just above the document library.,

            then click the “Click here to add new content” and pasted in the

            as described,

            then when I save and view the page, the Content Editor displays the and markup that was pasted in followed by the document library.

            I took screen captures but can’t include them here.



    • SBranch


      I have been attempting to implement the Breadcrumbs on SP 2010. After some debugging, it appears that regex.exec( is coming up with a null value. When I checked the windows.location value it is only returning the high level aspx url generated by SharePoint.

      My basic setup is a SP 2010 page with Document Library web part and an HTML Form Web part. Any ideas what might be


      • SBranch


        After more testing, I determined the issue is that I have Compatibility View enabled for Intranet sites in IE11. Evidently, the document.querySelectorAll will not work in Compatibility View. Compatibility view must be running in a lower than acceptable mode.


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